Stickers are fun, bright, and something that people usually associate as a fun item to have and stick on things. But they are also great when they are informative because the customer can stick it on something of theirs and have it for a really long time. For a company that is great because that means the customer is going to have their information potentially for a really long time. But in order for the customer to keep it around they must feel that it is important enough to do so and remember what it is about. So while the sticker is a great tool the promotion of the company really starts with you and the attitude that you have with the customers when you interact with them. If you leave bad taste in their mouth they will not keep a sticker or card no matter how many you give them because they have already made up their mind that your company is not something that they want to interact with or support no matter how good the product is.

But when do have a good interaction with the customer and give them a sticker it should be a good representation of the company you own so that when they see that sticker they will remember you and the conversation that they had instead of scratching their head wondering where the sticker came from or what the company is about. To ensure that the customer does remember keep the sticker clean but with a small picture representing your company and some contact information. Always have the name of the company on the sticker and if needed some of the basic services that are offered so that the customer knows what to call you for. By having the contact information on the sticker the customer will be able to just look at the sticker and either go the office or give you a call. But you will be best to have the stickers professionally made in order for them to look and feel professional.

While having stickers professionally made may seem like a big expense to put out at first it is not as it actually helps the company tenfold when done correctly. When your sticker does not look or feel professional it won’t last and will be another reason for the customer to not end up calling you. When you make and buy the stickers you want to make the money you put out count so you want someone that can even help you manage the design so that it is appealing (see Vancouver Sticker Printing for examples). When having someone make the stickers you can save yourself a lot of time because you only have to focus on the design which when you have help does not take that long and then let the printer do the rest of the work. When you order the stickers ordering them in bulk will not only be best for the company to stay uniform but will save you lots of money in the long run as it is vastly more expensive to print often than to print in bulk once in a while.