Go, get some sleep dude. But do it right… with a hooded blanket.

Go, get some sleep dude. But do it right… with a hooded blanket.

If you have never owned a hooded blanket before, you may not know that there are quite a few benefits to owning them over a typical regular blanket.

A couple of these benefits may be obvious, while others may surprise you. Once you do buy a hooded blanket, however, you will realize why they are usually a much better choice than the blankets you have owned in the past.

Heat does not escape from your body — One of the best things about owning a hooded blanket is that they are so much warmer than using a regular blanket.

This is generally due to the hood helping the heat stay inside the blanket, and preventing it from escaping via your head.

Perfect for winter and also perfect for saving on heating bills, as a hooded blanket will keep you feeling toasty even in the coldest weather.

Wonderful for camping — If you like to go camping, taking personalized hooded blankets with you will make your trip just that little bit nicer.

Hooded blankets are usually moisture-proof, so they are exceptionally useful for camping trips if you want to be sure you stay dry.

They also keep you warmer inside a tent as you can even wear them inside a sleeping bag.

Carrying less things on a camping trip — Many people go on a camping trip and not only need a blanket, they also need to take a sweatshirt, a hat and a scarf. Most of the time, all of these items will only be used inside the tent in an effort to stay warm.

With a hooded blanket, however, you can eliminate the need for a sweatshirt, a hat and a scarf. This means you have less things to pack away in your backpack, and less things to carry as you travel.

Useful for wearing around the house — If you do not want to spend money on heat, wearing a hooded blanket around the house is a great way to stay warm anyway.

Along with the hood, many of these blankets also have sleeves in them. This means you can actually wear them as you are doing jobs around the house, or even while you are sitting in front of the TV.

Staying warmer while you nap — Many people take a nap during the day as they leave you energized and ready to face the rest of the day.

Many also find it difficult to get a restful sleep as the sofa blanket they sleep under is often not heavy enough or warm enough.

A hooded blanket will solve that problem, as they tend to be thicker, warmer and more comfortable to sleep under.

Are the differences between the AR10 vs the AR15 rifles important when it comes to use?

Are the differences between the AR10 vs the AR15 rifles important when it comes to use?

If you are choosing a new rifle, and have narrowed it down to the AR10 versus the AR15, you may not realize how important the differences between each gun are when it comes to use.

So different in fact that, if you choose the wrong rifle for your specific use needs, you may end up regretting your purchase.


The stopping power of each rifle — Depending on the use, the stopping power of a rifle can be important. This is particularly true if you will be using the rifle for big game hunting, as stopping a charging stag could be the difference between life or death.

In this case, buying an AR10 would be the smartest decision. It has more effective stopping power than the AR15 due to its larger caliber bullets.

On the other hand, the AR15 is an excellent rifle if you will be hunting smaller animals.


The accuracy of the AR10 versus the AR15 — Both guns are extremely accurate, but it depends how they are used.

The AR10 has excellent accuracy at longer distances, whereas the AR15 does not. At shorter differences, however, the AR15 is the gun that comes out ahead. For a more extensive view on this, visit https://adventurefootstep.com/ar-10-vs-ar-15/.


The weight of each rifle — The weight of each rifle also differs, especially if you add a heavier scope or other additional parts.

For the basic weapon, however, you will usually notice a difference of between one to two pounds, with the AR15 being the lighter rifle.


Home security versus hunting — If you are looking for a rifle for home security more than you need one for hunting, the AR15 is a better choice.

It is a lighter weight gun and it fires more bullets per minute than the AR15, yet each bullet does less damage.

The AR15 also has a shorter barrel, so tends to be easier to handle.


A good rifle for tactical situations — If you expect to be in tactical situations, the AR15 is also the better weapon.

Again, that is due to the shorter barrel of the rifle making it easier to use, and being more accurate at close range.


The price of each weapon — If price is an issue, the differences between the price of an AR10 versus an AR15 may nudge you into buying one over the other.

This could be due to the AR15 being a cheaper rifle, and also due to being able to use cheaper ammunition in it.

If you also factor in any replacement parts you may need, while you can get them for the AR10, they do tend to be cheaper and easier to find for the AR15 rifle.

In other words, if money and easy access to parts and ammunition is a motivator, your best bet is to choose the AR15.

If you have a little extra money to spare, and do not mind waiting a few days for an ammo or parts order to arrive, the AR10 is an exceptional rifle.


You can also find some good videos on youtube, to see them in action:

Customized Baseball Caps Reflect Fashion Today

Customized Baseball Caps Reflect Fashion Today

Fashion Trends

In today’s world the custom baseball cap is a big part of the fashion trend. It has become something that has been talked about on social media. It has become a concept that has grown tremendously by way of the various teams that have logos that have different designs and different colors for you to create that you want.


The great thing about a customized cap is that you get a chance to wear a cap that is customized based on the color that you are actually interested in. A baseball team, for example, may have a specific color for the team. There are going to be standard colors for team baseball caps, but customization gives you more options. You have an assortment of colors that you can use for your favorite team in order to get something that fits your outfit. That is the benefit of customization. This is what gives people more interest in having these types of caps on their wish list.

Sporty Fashion

At times the fashion trends shift because the youth will dictate something that is new and exciting. In a world where there are so many ways to express yourself it only makes sense for the customized cap to be a popular part of the fashion trends. In other aspects of the world there are independent movies and music artists that are uploading content to the internet. There are viral videos that are being posted on social media sites. This individuality is something that people crave. The same is true when it comes to fashion. There are tons of people that crave something that is unique. They do not want to do what the mainstream is doing. They want to stand out, and these customized caps are going to help them do this.

The Ultimate Accessory

What you see more than anything else when you get a customized cap is the way that people pay attention to you. Since it is on top of your head it is usually going to be the first thing that people see when they look at you. Consumers want to have that accessory that is going to make people stop and stare. You want to have something that will make people inquire about where you bought the cap. That is a sign that you are creating something unique. When someone else is asking you about a cap that you purchased it is a clear-cut sign that you have purchased something that they also desire.

Trends Reflect Times

There was a time where the trend of baggy clothes and oversized caps were in style. The trends reflect the times. The times of today are reflected by things that are customized and well-fitted.

Hunters Need the Right Type of Bullets When Hunting

Hunters Need the Right Type of Bullets When Hunting

The right type of bullet for your type of hunting is just as important as the scope or cartridge is for your gun. Let’s face it, the bullet does all the work. The bullet makers have made it easier for the hunter by modifying, testing and retesting bullets so the hunter does not have to think about the components of the bullet. Most bullets will work fine, but there are a wide variety of bullets made for good reasons.

There are some crazy interesting videos on the tubes about diff. bullets and their performance, for example

The ballistic performance is very important in a bullet. It is the way the bullet will behave while in flight that counts. Hunters need to make sure their ammo has consistency. They want and need cheap bulk ammunition that is straight. The materials used for the ammo must have the same thickness, weight, and integrity so the centers are balanced. There can be no air gaps in the lead cores and the jackets cannot be thinner on one side from the other. This can be achieved by using polymer tips so denting is unlikely.

The performance of the bullet depends on the shape and form of the bullet. Air drag is resisted by sleek, long pointed bullets. These bullets fly farther, drift less in winds, drop less, and keep more energy in the air. These are the type of bullets the hunter will want if he is shooting at long distances.

Round-nose and flat-nose bullets are less efficient, but are safer and function differently. Hunters need blunt noses when using a tubular magazine. This prevents the sharp tips from hitting against a live round when the gun recoils. When using a revolver, the flat-nose is also necessary so the cylinder can turn around.

The blunt bullet travels in a straight line in the game. For the bullet to hit the vital points of a big animal like an elephant or buffalo, the hunter would want the heavy bullet. Spire tips would not plow straight through, they have a habit of deflecting in tissue.

Once the animal has been hit, the terminal performance takes over. The fastest, highest energy and flattest bullet do not do any good on a brown bear if it is going to disintegrate. That type of bullet would be great for smaller animals like a coyote or woodchuck. The materials that are used and the way they are all put together are what determine the lethal performance.

Sharped tipped bullets have noses that are hollow, polymer tips or exposed lead noses that will drive into the animal and expand. Low-velocity rounds are flat-nosed bullets that have the right toughness, combined with the right amount of softness in the lead and the jacket tapered to maximize expansion. Similar treatment is needed for the sleek, high velocity pointed bullet to give high impact speeds.

When fine tuning bullets, the engineers take into consideration the hardness, tapers, and thickness of all the different types of bullets produced.

Is having business cards printed still worth it in 2019?

Is having business cards printed still worth it in 2019?

Why Your Business Card Is Still Relevant

If you have a business you may wonder if it is still to your advantage to print out a business card. In 2019 there are so many people that are using the Internet because they feel that there is no need to have anything that they have to print out. They don’t feel like they need a physical card because they have websites and social media accounts that people can follow them on.

The reality is that the business card is still going to be the very first impression of your brand. Telling someone to go to the website to check out your business is fine, but you need to have a card that you can place in their hands when they are standing face-to-face with them. They may forget about your website, but a physical business card with the name and email address can help them stay aware of who you are.

Stand Out

It’s good to still print business cards in 2019 because it is going to make you stand out. While other people are going to rely on social media and all type of web-based concepts you will be the one that everyone else remembers because you have a business card. In return you will get more business than your competitors. You have something that people can pay attention to, and it helps you become much more personal with your marketing. You can gather more information here: Business cards Vancouver.

Covering All Grounds

As an entrepreneur you always want to be someone that can make eye contact and start relationships with people that you are trying to get business with it. Referring someone to a website can seem cold and impersonal. You may not get a chance to build any business with old school professionals that would much rather have business cards in hand.